Thrifty Homemaker
Here you will find budget friendly meal plans written out for you, inspiration on keeping your home tidy and peaceful, and the best budgeting tips to live below your means and strive for financial freedom.
Take what you need and organize your life.

Minimal Baby Items Checklist
Babies don’t really need that much stuff! If you’re trying to keep a clutter free, peaceful home environment, read along for the most thorough minimalist list of baby items.

Top 5 Tips for A New Homemaker
So you’re a new homemaker? Welcome aboard! Read along for my top 5 tips a new homemaker should keep in mind as they venture into this season of life.

Time Budgeting for the Homemaker
Your time is your most precious resource. Time budgeting for the homemaker is helpful if you have an overwhelming to do list and not enough hours to do it all.

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Time Budgeting for the Homemaker
Your time is your most precious resource. Time budgeting for the homemaker is helpful if you have an overwhelming to do list and what seems like not enough hours in the day to do it all. (Spoiler alert: you really can’t do it all, at least not all at the same time. It took me…